Fontys ICT GitLab

Welcome to the GitLab environment of the Fontys ICT InnovationLab.

First-time users, please read this info carefully.

If you are a staff member or student at Fontys ICT:
Please use the 'Staff & Student login' button to log in (Single sign-on is with your i-account is used to log in). Please do not register a new account. And do not use the username and password fields on the page to log in. You do not need to register, even not upon invitation to join a group or project.

At the moment only staff is allowed to create a project. As a student you will be invited to join a project.

If you are an external user (Partners in Education & Partners in Innovation):
You can register for an account if your e-mail domain is known. If you are a partner and your e-mail domain is unknown or your signup is not approved within 24 hours please contact our servicedesk by email at

If you like to know more about Partners in Education or Partners in Innovation take a look at the website.

Fontys ICT GitLab